Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Mary's Profile

Name:  Mary (Matt. 1:16; Mk. 6:3; Lu. 1:27)[1]

Meaning of Name:  rebellion, bitterness

Titles:  “Mother of mercy,” mother most blessed,”
“queen of heaven,” “mother most pure,” virgin
Most powerful,” “spiritual vessel”

Birth date:  Circa. 20 BC[2]

Birth place: Nazareth (Lu 1:26)

Nationality:  Israeli (Jew)

Death date:  circa 36 ad to 48 ad

Death age: circa 50 to 62

Burial location:  ephesus[3]

Tribe:  Judah (Ps 132:11; Lu 1:32: Rom 1:3; Rev 5:5)

Parents:  Heli (Lu 3:23)[4]

spouse:  joseph (Matt 1:18; lu 1:27; lu 2:5)

Children:  James, joses, simeon, judas (matt 13:55)

Social status:  poor (Lu 2:24)

Age at betrothal:  12-15[5]

Famous Descendants:  David (Lu 3:31), jesse (lu 3:32), Booz (Lu 3:32), Judah (Lu 3:33), Jacob (Lu 3:34) Isaac (Lu 3:34), Abraham (lu 3:34), noah (Lu 3:36), methuselah (lu 3:37), enoch (lu 3:37), seth (lu 3:38), and adam (lu 3:38)

Genealogy:  Luke 3:23-38

Places lived:  Nazareth (lu 1:26 & 27), Egypt  (Matt 2:13 & 14), ephesus[6]

[1] This is the Greek translation of the Hebrew name “Miriam.”
[2] Note:  This age is based upon the conclusion that Christ’s birth occurred around 6-4 BC and that Mary was approximately fourteen upon giving birth to Christ.
[3] Note:  Historical records state that Mary died and was buried in Ephesus.
[4] Note:  This was Mary’s father.  Scripture is silent on Mary’s mother.  BEWARE!  Heresy exist that Mary’s parents were really Joachim and Anne.  This heresy was born out books that were never considered part of the Bible due to lack of Divine inspiration and fallacies.
[5] Note:  Mary’s age during her betrothal to Joseph is mentioned nowhere in Scripture.  This age is based upon the norm of the times.  The average girl was betrothed between the ages of twelve and fifteen.  The age of fifteen was considered “old” for marriage.
[6] Note:  In order to tie Mary’s connection with Ephesus, one must study history and trace the life of John the Beloved.  According to John 19:26, John the Beloved was responsible for taking care of Mary.  John later lived in Ephesus and, therefore, Mary would have also lived there.  It was while John was living in Ephesus that he was exiled to Patmos.

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