Wednesday, April 23, 2014


I.              Introduction
a. The most prominent parent of Jesus
b.Luke records her genealogy (Lu. 3:23-38)
c.  She was born circa. 20 BC
                                                          i.      This date is based upon Jewish tradition with the marriage age and the taxation
1.Cyrenius served two terms ruling over Syria
a. His first term was from circa 6-4 BC
                                                                                                                                  i.      This term was primarily for military affairs
b.His second term was from 6-9 AD
                                                      ii.      We take Mary’s age for bethrothal (12-14) and add it to the date of the birth of Christ (6-4 BC) and arrive at circa 20 BC.
d.                        Her name is the Greek translation of the Hebrew name of Miriam
                                                          i.      Her name means “bitterness; rebellion”
e. She was born in Nazareth (Lu. 1:26; compare also Lu. 2:39)
f.    She was of the tribe of Judah (Ps 132:11; Lu 1:32: Rom 1:3; Rev 5:5)
g.  She was born poor due to the fact that she married a poor man
                                                          i.      Also compare with the sacrifice of a poor individual made at the Temple (Comp. Lu. 2:24 with Lev. 5:7)
h.                        Her father is the only parent mentioned in Scripture
                                                          i.      Heli (Lu. 3:23)
II.        Betrothal
a. She was betrothed to Joseph between the age of 12-14
b.During which time, Christ was conceived by the Holy Ghost (Lu. 1:35)
c.  She visited her cousin Elizabeth immediately after the visit from Gabriel (Lu. 1:39 & 40)
d.                        Joseph and her traveled to Bethlehem for taxation (Lu. 2:1-5)
e. Christ was born
f.    Joseph and Mary traveled to the Temple and sacrificed two turtledoves (Lu. 2:22-24)
III.  Married Life
a. Joseph and Mary had several children together (Matt. 1:25; 13:55)
                                                          i.      A mixture of boys and girls
b.They lost Christ at the age of twelve in the Temple at Jerusalem
IV.   After the Death of Joseph
a. She ordered Christ to perform the miracle at the wedding at Cana (Jn. 2:3-5)
V.         Lessons learned from Mary
a. Submission to God regardless (Lu. 1:38)
                                                          i.      She was going to be stone (Deut. 22:23 & 24)
                                                      ii.      It was not a once and done deal…she faced stoning every day that she was noticeably pregnant
                                                  iii.      Mary’s pregnancy trial would last around nine months and, at some point, would become physically noticeable
                                                    iv.      Submission is not always easy but it is ALWAYS necessary (Matt. 26:39; Lu. 22:42)
b.She understood what role she was in and when
                                                          i.      Mother (Jn. 2:3-5; 19:26 & 27)
                                                      ii.      Disciple (compare Lu. 24:49 and Acts 1:14)
                                                  iii.      As Christians, must understand what role we are in and when
c.  She meditated on the things of God
                                                          i.      Twice in Scripture, the reader is informed that Mary pondered things concerning her Son(Lu. 2:19; 2:49 & 50)
                                                      ii.      The Christian is instructed to meditate on God’s Word (Ps. 1:2; 119:11, 15, 23, 48, & 78; Phil. 4:8)
d.                        Had faith (Lu. 1:38 & 45)
                                                          i.      As Christians, we must have faith (Heb. 11:6; Matt. 17:20; Lu. 17:6)
                                                      ii.      We must grow our faith
e. She was humble (Lu. 1:48)
                                                          i.      Dimitri Vail (Painter) illustration
                                                      ii.      We must realize that we are nothing without God
                                                  iii.      Everything is that the Father is glorified and magnified (Matt. 5:16; Jn. 15:8; Rom. 15:6)
f.    Worshiper (Lu. 1:46-55)
                                                          i.      We must worship God with a clean heart and in spirit and truth (Ps. 24:3 &4; Jn. 4:23)
1.Marbles and grapes illustration
a. Marbles collide
b.Grapes blend together to form one product (IE juice and etc)

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