Wednesday, April 23, 2014


I.              Introduction
a. The least prominent parent of Jesus
b.His name means “increase; addition; remover”
c.  Matthew records his genealogy (Matt. 1:1-17)
d.                        History neglects to record his birth date
                                                          i.      Probably because he was not wealth
e. He was probably born in Nazareth (compare Lu. 1:26 & 27 with Lu. 2:4 & 39)
f.    He was from the tribe of Judah (Ps 132:11; Lu 1:32: Rom 1:3; Rev 5:5)
g.  He would have probably been born to a poor family based upon the fact that it is unlikely that a wealthy individual would marry a poor individual
h.                        His father is the only one of his parents mentioned in Scripture
                                                          i.      Jacob (Matt. 1:16)
II.        Physical appearance
a. He would have had brown or black hair
                                                          i.      It would be a bowl hair cut style
                                                      ii.      It might even be curly
b.Possibly brown or green eyes
c.  Dark to light olive skin
d.                        Big, fat crooked nose
e. Around 5’1 tall
III.  Betrothal
a. He was betrothed to a girl between the ages of twelve and fifteen named Mary
b.No one knows how old Joseph was during the time of his betrothal to Mary
                                                          i.      Many people speculate that he was probably around the age of twenty based on the assumption that a boy could become betrothed at the age of twelve but he had to possess enough finances to pay the dowry to the girl’s father
                                                      ii.      Catholicism places Joseph at least at the age of eighty but this is based upon books of the Bible that are fallible and not part of the agreed upon canon
c.  During this time he discovered that Mary was pregnant and he was not the father of the child (Matt. 1:18-19)
d.                        An angel appeared unto Joseph through a dream and explained the situation (Matt. 1:20-24)
IV.   Birth of Christ
a. Joseph and Mary travelled to Bethlehem for the time of taxation during the rule of Cyrenius over Syria between 6 and 4 BC (Lu. 2:1 & 2)
                                                          i.      They travelled there because they were both descendants of David (Matt. 1:6 and Lu. 3:31)
                                                      ii.      This was a fulfillment of prophecy (Micah 5:2)
b.During this time, Mary gave birth to Jesus (Lu. 1:6 & 7)
c.  Mary and Joseph consummated the marriage after the birth of Christ (Matt. 1:25)[1]
V.         Death
a. No one knows exactly when Joseph died
b.The last time the Scriptures record Joseph was when Christ was found at the age of twelve in the Temple
c.  He probably died around 8 AD to 30 AD
d.                        He was probably buried near Nazareth since that was where Mary still lived at the beginning of Christ’s ministry
e. His death date would not have been recorded by history because he was not someone of importance in society or possessed wealth
VI.   Lessons learned from Joseph
a. Faith (Matt. 1:20-24)
                                                          i.      He obeyed without anything really miraculous
1.The angel came in a dream
2.It was not near as obvious as the host that appeared to the shepherds
b.Sensitive to the voice of God (Matt. 1:24 & 25)
                                                          i.      This requires a closeness to God
                                                      ii.      There are some people to whom God has to speak to through signs and riddles simply because they are not where they need to be with God
c.  Just (Matt. 1:19)
                                                          i.      Put her away privately
                                                      ii.      Not willing to make an example of her
                                                  iii.      Not willing to have her stoned

[1] Note:  This is important because it proves the Catholic doctrine of the perpetual virginity of Mary as heresy.

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