Monday, November 21, 2011

The humilty of God

What is humility?  We as humans do not truly understand humility.  After all, we struggle to humble ourselves to those over us, much less God.  However, God understand humility more than we could ever realize.  Psalm 113:5 & 6 states, "Who is like unto the LORD our God, who dwelleth on high, Who humbleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven, and in the earth!"  God humbles Himself just to view the things in heaven yet He did not stop there.  God humbled Himself to become a man robbed in flesh.  He left His position in heaven to live like us.  And there is more.  God humbled Himself all the way to extent of death merely to restore fellowship with God and man.  He left the glory place to go to the gory place.  What humility!  God Himself died in order to restore fellowship with man and so man could choose if he/she would go to heaven or hell.

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