Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Revival Comes to the Gentiles

“He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully (Psalm 24:4).”

I.                Salvation was for the Gentiles ALSO (Acts 10:17-48; 11:11-18)
a. Peter had a dream (Acts 11:5-10)
                                                           i.      It appears that some of Apostles were not as evangelistic at first as some would think
1.They had no problems preaching in Samaria.
a. Philip preached in Samaria first
b.                        The main church LATER sent Peter and John (Acts 8:14)
c. Perhaps they had no issues evangelizing Samaria because they were still partially Jew
                                                                                                                                   i.      The Samaritans were mixed-breeds (part Jew and part gentile)
2.However, God had to instruct Peter that salvation was for the gentile as well and He did this through the dream.
a. Peter even testified before the church in Jerusalem that salvation was APPARENTLY for the gentile as well (Acts 11:17 & 18)
II.            Cornelius’ Household
a. Reasons for revival in Cornelius’ House
                                                           i.      One man was burdened to have a relationship with God (Acts 10:1-10)
1.Cornelius prayed and gave to the poor in the name of God (Acts 10:4)
2.Cornelius fasted (Acts 10:30)
                                                       ii.      Cornelius’ was obedient to the command of the Lord (Acts 10:5 & 17)
                                                    iii.      Cornelius was fully surrendered to Gods
                                                    iv.      The man of God was obedient (Acts 10:19-23)
b.                        Results
                                                           i.      Cornelius received salvation and the baptism of the Holy Ghost with evidence of tongues (Acts 10:44; 11:15  & 18)
                                                       ii.      The Jews’ eyes were opened that salvation was for the gentile as well (Acts 11:18)
1.Peter was made aware of this by the dream and the main church at Jerusalem had to be told by better the ENTIRE account beginning with the dream and ending with the Gentiles receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost

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