Wednesday, May 7, 2014

6:33: Daily Duties

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33).”
I.              Introduction
a. People fill their daily living with worry and stress
                                                          i.      Worry and stress causes:
1.Acid reflux disease, hives, depression, diarrhea, eating binges, acne, sleep deprivation, migraine headaches, chronic fatigue, psoriasis, high blood pressure, and etc.
2.It causes the heart rate to increase and the arteries to constrict, which in turn increases the blood pressure, which can lead to a heart attack
b.Scientists discovered a difference between stresses caused inside and outside the home
                                                          i.      The found the largest amount of stress caused in children were caused by factors within the home (IE parents fighting or divorce of parents)
c.  Life is busy but God never intended for us to succumb to stress and worry (Matt. 11:28 & 29)
II.        Counsel (6:25)
a. The phrase “take no thought” comes from the Greek word “merimnao”
                                                          i.      It means “fretting, anxious, worry, burdened with cares”
1.The root word of “merimnao,” which is “merizo” means “to divide, to cut into pieces, to divide into parties, to be pulled in different directions, or to be split into factions”
                                                      ii.      This is what worry does to an individual (Matt. 13:32)
1.It cuts or divides people into emotional pieces
2.Monday seems to be the most stressful day of the week according to studies
                                                  iii.      This phrase also implies stopping that what is already being done
1.In essence, stop worrying and never start it again
                                                    iv.      This phrase appears three times  in this passage (6:25, 31, & 34)
b.Christ is forbidding IMPROPER attention to material needs
                                                          i.      Scripture commands us to take action to make sure our daily needs are met (1 Tim. 5:8; Pr. 6:6; 28:19)
c.  We tend to spend too much time worrying about material needs and not enough to things with eternal significance
                                                          i.      Story of 3 men that died and standing at the gates of heaven
III.  Worry is
a. Irreverent
                                                          i.      It fails to recognize that God is working in the world
                                                      ii.      It refuses to learn life lessons
1.It does not recognize that God is enough to provide for all of our needs regardless of the situation
                                                          i.      It wastes our energy so that we do not have energy for creative problem solving
                                                      ii.      It burdens us so we cannot overcome situations
                                                  iii.      It keeps us from the truth (Isa. 26:3)
c.  Irrelevant
                                                          i.      Worry cannot change anything
                                                      ii.      Experts say that 40% of things we worry about will never even happen
1.30% of things we worry about are from the past
2.12% of things we worry about concern our health (when nothing is currently wrong with us)
3.10% of things we worry about are too petty to even affect our future
4.Only 8% of things we worry about legitimately deserve our concern and though
                                                  iii.      We don’t worry about things we are sure of, we mainly worry about things we are not sure of or we conjure up in our heads
                                                    iv.      Reflection of what God has done in the past can eliminate worry
d.                        Christ on Worry
                                                          i.      The fact that Christ informs us not to worry tells us that worrying is a choice
e. Effects of worry
                                                          i.      It damages your health
                                                      ii.      Causes the object of your worry to consume your thoughts
                                                  iii.      Disrupts your productivity
                                                    iv.      Negatively affects the way you treat others
                                                        v.      Reduces your ability to trust in God
                                                    vi.      It immobilizes or freezes you
IV.   The Command (6:33 & 34)
a. The way that we overcome worry is to seek God FIRST
V.         Personal Application
a. Pray
c.  Read Scriptures
d.                        Study Scriptures concerning the effects of putting God first
e. Meditate and study Scriptures concerning God providing all our needs (Matt. 6:33 & 34; Phil. 4:19)

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