Wednesday, May 7, 2014

6:22 & 23: Focus

“The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. (Matthew 6:22).”
I.              Introduction
a. Christ continues discussing priorities
b.Christ moves from the placement of your treasure to focusing on your desires
II.        The Light of the Body is the Eye
a. This is an interesting phrase
b.First, the mind is the location of the soul
                                                          i.      The human souls is composed of will, intellect, and emotions
                                                      ii.      The soul is the decision maker in all things
                                                  iii.      It is incased by the skull, therefore, the only source for light to enter through are the eyes
c.  Second, whatever our eyes fix on can become a desire of the heart
                                                          i.      This will affect our decisions and lifestyle
                                                      ii.      It will also affect our spirituality and our relationship with God
                                                  iii.      Because of the effect on our heart, our eye’s focus initiates a battle over the heart
                                                    iv.      We are commanded to surrender all of heart to God (Pr. 23:26; 4:23; Mk. 12:30; Ps. 9:1; 119:2; 119:10; 2 Cor. 8:5)
                                                        v.      We must give God our entire focus (Col. 3:22; Eph. 6:5; Acts 2:46)
                                                    vi.      The word for “single” is the Greek word “haplous”
1.It means “clear, sincere, opne and abovvboard, honest, with no hidden agendsas, without folds.”
2.The single eye is a generous eye (Rom 12:8; James 1:5; Pr. 11:25)
3.The single eye can discern between good and evil
4.The single eye is a heart that is intune with God’s heart (Col. 2:2; Acts 4:32; Ps. 57:7)
a. David’s heart was “fixed” just as the single eye is focused
                                                vii.      God does not have our heart is our genuine focus and desire are not on him (Matt. 15:8)
1.Satan wants to destroy the believer (1 Peter 5:8)
III.  Seeing Double
a. The word “double” throughout scripture at times speaks of defect or corruption (James 1:8; 4:8; 1 Tim. 3:8; Ps. 12:2)
b.When one is seeing double, they are not seeing correctly
c.  They are unstable
IV.   Pressing towards the mark
a. The believer must press towards the mark of eternity just like Paul
b.The believer must not forget that they must stand before God in judgment one day (Phil. 3:14; Acts 20:24)
c.  The only way to finish this life is to keep our eyes focused on God
d.                        The believer must be determined to finish this race well (2 Tim. 4:7 &8; Heb. 12:1; Pr. 14:16)
                                                          i.      If he falls, he must pick himself up by his bootstraps and continue (Pr. 24:16)
V.         The sinful eye
a. The Greek word for “evil” is “poneros”
                                                          i.      It means “evil vicious, malicious, deceitful, worthless, or degenerate”
                                                      ii.      In the NT it often means “stingy or grudging”
1.We are warned to avoid this type of behavior (Pr. 23:6; 28:22)
2.Lu. 16:19-31 records this type of man
                                                  iii.      This type of behavior shuts out Christ due to a concentration on material things (2 Tim. 4:10)
b.This eye reminds the believer to make their life count for Christ (Rom. 12:1-2_
c.  Many people today have poor spiritual vision because they do not know Christ (Eph. 4:18; 2 Cor. 4:4)
VI.   How can we make sure our eye is full of light?
a. Seek God above all things (Matt. 6:33)
b.Read the Bible
c.  Study the Bible
d.                        Pray
e. Fast
f.    Abstain from worldly attractions
                                                          i.      Music
                                                      ii.      Movies
                                                  iii.      TV

                                                    iv.      Magazines

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