Saturday, April 26, 2014

Quest for Knowledge

I.                Mankind is on a quest for knowledge
a. 2 wrong theories on how knowledge is attained
                                                           i.      Knowledge only comes by reason
                                                       ii.      Knowledge only comes by emotion
1.It is without content, transient, and oftem immoral
b.                        Another theory arose and is found in Christianity
                                                           i.      God, Who created all things and Who Himself gives His creation meaning
                                                       ii.      We can know God
II.            Why knowledge of God is important
a. It is what brings “eternal life (Jn 17:3)”
b.                        It brings knowledge of ourselves (Isa. 6:5; Lu. 5:8).
c. It gives us knowledge of this world.
d.                        It leads to holiness (Jer. 31:34)
e.The Church and those in it can become strong (Dan. 11:32)
III.        Romans 1:18-23 Reveals
a. The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against the natural man
b.                        Man has willfully rejected God
c. This rejection has taken place in spite of a natural awareness of God possessed by each person
IV.       There exist three key things in this passage of Romans
a. Awareness
                                                           i.      Revelation of God in nature (Rom. 1:20)
                                                       ii.      Internal revelation of God (Rom. 1:19)
                                                    iii.      “There is enough evidence of God in a flower to lead a child as well as a scientist to worship Him.  There is sufficient evidence in a tree, a pebble, a grain of sand, a fingerprint, to make us glorify God and thank Him (Boice).”
b.                        Rejection of God
                                                           i.      3 phase rejection process
1.Trauma (Rom. 1:19
2.Repression (Rom. 1:18 & 21)
3.Substitution (Rom. 1:23)
c. Wrath of God
                                                           i.      It is against ungodliness
                                                       ii.      It is against unrighteousness
V.           Theologizing
a. “The process whereby a person who has both experienced salvation and has grown in spiritual maturity, searches out all truth concerning God and His work, in both supernatural and natural revelation, using the rational process of inquiry, the resources of faith, and the scientific method of demonstrating, with a purpose of organizing the results of his sturdy into a complete, comprehensive, and consistent expression that can be communicated, defended and admired (Towns).”
b.                        The process consists of:
                                                           i.      Initial experience
                                                       ii.      Growth
                                                    iii.      Search
1.What—all truth (supernatural and natural)
a. The rational process of inquiry
b.                        The resources of faith
c. The scientific method of demonstrating
                                                    iv.      Purpose
1.Organizing results into an expression
a. Complete
b.                        Comprehensive
c. Consistent
                                                       v.      Communicating
                                                    vi.      Defending
                                                vii.      Admiring
VI.       What we must do is:
a. Collecting
b.                        Scientifically arranging and comparing
                                                           i.      Test of consistency (Is the system consistent).  It must be consistent to be true, but it could be consistent and not be true).
                                                       ii.      Test of correspondence (Does it correspond to reality or life?  If Christianity is true then its principles will work within the parameters of their intended objectives).
                                                    iii.      Test of priority of dada (discriminate between what is essential and what is irrelevant)
                                                    iv.      Test of cohesiveness (the controlling test of all data is its relationship to Christ
                                                       v.      Test of thoroughness (rigiorous examination of any and all question related to the topic
                                                    vi.      Exhibiting
                                                vii.      Defending

Doctrine of the Bible

VII.   Two areas of revelation
a. General Revelation
                                                           i.      The Creator is evident in His Creation.  This is God’s revelation of Himself in nature, and includes nature (Rom. 1:18-21), conscience (Rom. 2:14-16), history (I Cor. 10:1-6), and the Bible (Deut. 29:29; II Peter 1:20-21).
b.                        Special Revelation
                                                           i.      God has revealed Himself through the Word of God and its central message, Who is Jesus Christ.  “The self-revelation of God through the scriptures and finalized in Jesus Christ and relates to God’s plan of salvation for man (Towns)”
VIII.           Terms
a. Inspiration
                                                           i.      God’s power enabling men to record His divine truth perfectly whether or not that truth  was previously known
b.                        Revelation
                                                           i.      God’s communication of truth that cannot otherwise be discovered
c. Illumination
                                                           i.      When the God Who inspired the Bible enlightens the minds of those who read it (Eph. 1:18; I John 2:20 & 27; 4:1; I Cor. 2:6-16).
d.                        Inerrancy

                                                           i.      The Bible is without error in the original language.

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