Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Introspection Questionnaire


“For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself (Galatians 6:3).”

Have I confessed my sins and accepted Christ as Lord of your life?            
  YES     or         NO
Do I have a desire to serve God?                                                                   
 YES     or         NO
Am I faithfully serving God EVERYDAY?                                                    
YES     or         NO
Do you have a desire to read the Bible?                                                        
  YES     or         NO
Do I have a consistent daily Bible reading session?                                       
 YES     or         NO
Do I have a desire for prayer?                                                                         
YES     or         NO
Do I have a daily consistent prayer life?                                                         
 YES     or         NO
Do you have a desire for fasting?                                                                    
YES     or         NO
When was the last time that I fasted (in any way) for anything?                      
Do I have a desire to see souls saved?                                                             
YES     or         NO
When was the last time that I witnessed or invited someone to church?         
Do I have a desire to see God move in MRC?                                                
YES     or         NO
Do you I a desire for a true revival?                                                               
 YES     or         NO
Am I willing to do whatever it takes to see true revival at MRC?             
YES  or  NO  or  MAYBE

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