Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Current Christian Call

The world as we know of it is different from any other time in history.  In the past, men and women knew the definition of work.  They woke up early to milk the cows, feed the animals, collect the chicken eggs, churn their own butter, and etc.  There existed no vacuums, thus women swept the floors to get rid of the dirt and beat their rugs out with rods.  Furthermore, any type of study was time consuming.  In the early 1900’s, in-depth Biblical information was beginning to slowly come onto the scene.  Men and women knew the meaning of work.  The world has changed drastically in the last fifty to one hundred years.  Today, mechanics can change all four tires on a vehicle without performing strenuous work.  Preachers and Bible teachers can locate the Bible verse that they are searching for in about five to ten seconds as compared to at least a few moments in times past.  There no longer exists any need for women to churn butter because large corporations own large machines that do all the work.  Today, most aspects of life, including the social aspect, involves technology.   But ease of life is not the only change to our modern world.
            The lack of discipline adds to the fact that our world prefers a life of ease.  The other weak the author witnessed a thirty year old man, who was wearing pajama bottoms and the rest of his attire declared “LAZY.”  He was in there purchasing a video game with his mother.   A thirty year old man and his mommy purchasing a video game.  What does this man do?  Does he do anything productive to contribute to society?  Or does he perform any productive tasks at all?  The author realizes that everyone must relax at some point in time.  But this man did not display any signs that he was purchasing this video game for a time of leisure.  He was dressed like someone who takes advantage of other people while he sits on his glutinous maximus all day long playing video games.  Sadly, this is not a rare case for the world in which we live today.   People value entertainment more than self-productivity.  No wonder the Church is lazy.  Society teaches them to drift through life.  The world’s philosophy has crept too much into the Church.  It is time for Christians to realize that God calls them to be soldiers and not video game players or entertainers.  In fact, entertainers mock the Church. 
The author heard of one account where a Las Vegas performer mocked preachers.  He was on a large television talk show.  The talk show had a pulpit set up on stage for him and the mock preacher preached on hell.  It was said that people were crying and trembling until at the end of the short sermon the mock preacher made the statement that everything he just said was a lie.  It is time for the true Church to awake from slumber.  The Japanese Admiral during World War II declared to the emperor that if they attacked Pearl Harbor that they would awake the sleeping giant. The Church needs not to wait for an attack to awake from slumber but, rather, Christians need to wipe the sleepy dirt from its eyes and perform the duty to which they are called…combat. 

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